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Making certain that English translations of German media are correct, clear and convincing 


Words often proceed us making our first impression

"Details matter. It's worth waiting to get it right."     
Steve Jobs


"Details create perfection and perfection is no detail"

Leornado Da Vinci


"Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt."
Ludwig Wittgenstein



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Your English language media is important in finding new customers outside your domestic market. This media makes your first impression in global markets and captures initial customer interest. Your English media should be as well written, compelling and convincing as the German original. L-Audit can help you make this media correct, clear and convincing.

The chance to make a first impression happens only once. It only takes a small mistake, a misplaced phase, a poorly chosen word or a muddy argument to ruin your first impression.  This is especially true if you are not there in person to make a correction.  Media that sound like they were written by a native English speaking industry expert inspire confidence and encourage potential customers to take the next step towards partnering with you.

L-Audit provides a cost-effective way to ensure that your existing English website and other English language publications are correct, clear and written in the colloquial English of a technically competent native speaker. We help ensure that your first impression is always a good one.

Our value comes from real world industry experience which few in the media production business can match.

Our experts are all retired senior managers, born English speakers with German fluency, expertise in your technology and direct experience in global markets. Ours is a rare combination of abilities not easily found in the commercial media production world of junior, school educated English language speakers. Our audits offer you suggestions that come from a seasoned management perspective, market savvy and professional experience, all parsed in the natural and correct language of a technically competent native English speaker. An L-Audit review is a unique opportunity to not only to refine your current English narrative, but to ensure that the spirit and tone of your German original comes forcefully to life in your existing English media.