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Insuring that the messaging is clear, language is technically correct and presented in convincing colloquial English.

Flawed translations make a poor first impression

Die größte Deutlichkeit war mir immer auch die größte Schönheit.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing


“Translation is that which transforms everything so that nothing changes.”
Günter Grass


"Translations get lost following words and syntax rather than ideas and argument."

T. Brown



·  Why partner with L-Audit?


Global Management Experience:   L-Audit's experienced senior manager's know your industry and can help you present your company's value more effectively in your export markets. All of our auditors are senior managers with Global experience.

Only Native English Speakers: A independent, native English speaking auditor will find and eliminate the technical, linguistic and cultural issues that your non native English speaking translators miss which hinder effective communication with customers.

Improve Results: A native English speaking auditor can give your media a totally natural "feel" and the correct technical and linguistic structure designed to effectively persuade. Arguments constructed from good English syntax married with a senior perspective and industry knowledge are convincing and yield better results.
Technical Expertise: Only a technical expert can insure that your media uses the latest English industry vocabulary and correct technical terms. Avoid those unnoticed errors which can shake customer confidence.

Ease of use: Audit outputs can be directly cut and pasted into your existing documents or passed on to your organization or media partner as suggestions. There is no need to disturb or replace your normal media work flow or relationships. L-Audit's model seeks to improve your existing process, not to supplant it. You achieve increased value in your existing media investment for minimal cost with no disruption.

Confidence: No one likes errors. An audit helps give you the confidence that your English media present your company at its best. 


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